Wednesday 31 October 2007


Today as im sure everyone in our style of class in collage had Duncon come round to expolain about the issues with the "blogging" class, i personaly thing that the blogging is useful because you can see what everyone in your class has been up to (should they decide to update their blogs)

i think it was just so as the people using the blogs would use them properly... thats my opinion.. but everyone should have fun as well, so.. kind of a win loose thing going on their me thinks :)



Nelson said...

Quite right there. We either get the nod to continue blogging or it will be shut down for good. The ball is in our court and I hope we are all doing enough to show that the course is worth doing. Besides having fun (which we always do) blogging is about learning and experiencing new things and sharing these with your colleagues. I hope everyone does their share of keeping the standards high.

Don't forget that when you use 'i' it has to be capital 'I'.

Duncan said...

Mentioned in Dispatches